I have always loved reading. I actually turned my closet into a reading nook when I was a kid, complete with twinkle lights, magazine pictures of my favorite musicians, and egg crate for comfort and cozy blanket galore. I loved reading so much I went to college for a degree in English Literature. When college was over, I was so sad about saying goodbye to reading all day everyday. Which brought me to my first career out of college, editor. I loved being an editor so much, I loved helping author shape their books, and learning all the grammar rules. I just loved everything about it. It was through editing that I found my first adult love of reading, urban fantasy. Patricia Briggs, Ilona Anders, Rachel Caine, Rachel Vincent, and the list goes on.

Somewhere along the way I started getting into more contemporary romances, and honestly to this day that is where I tend to gravitate. Unfortunately my life took a pretty hard turn. I had multiple cerebral spinal fluid leaks, several brain bleeds, and damage to my brain that equated to a pretty serious traumatic brain injury. My career was over. There was even some temporary blindness and I thought I lost books forever.
For the last three years I have been working my butt off to get back as much as possible. It’s been hard. But I’m still reading, and I’m so excited to be writing. I don’t know that I will ever be able to edit again (it’s a memory/details issue), but I am loving writing.

I am so lucky to have had to best support throughout this entire journey. I have been married to an amazing guy since 2006 and we live happily in North Carolina with our four dogs: Anders, Khaleesi, Patrick, and Charlie. Andy and Leesi love having a good nap with me. Patrick loves to spend time with me in the kitchen when I try out new recipes. Charlie is my shadow who moonlights as my service dog. I have an obsession with diet coke that I get from my mother. I love everything about sci-fi, specifically Star Trek, that I get from my Dad. Tattoos are my favorite, and having “normal” hair is my nightmare.